
The Food Studio – a cooking school in Florence

We offer skills in traditional Tuscan Culinary Arts with a modern twist. The project is driven by a dedicated collaboration between the world renowned Florentine DOC Chef Benedetta Vitali and two young Florentine aficionados dedicated to preserving their Tuscan heritage: Paolo Dellafiore and Giorgio Pinto (chef himself).

Our focus is on both transmitting Italian cooking skills and secrets and prioritizing health, nutrition and wellbeing – all innate elements of the traditional Italian diet. We believe that all culture can be observed, learned and maintained through its food, wine and enogastronomic social practices. We aim to highlight and champion the true nature of the Mediterranean diet to make a deep impression and improve the quality of life of everyone who passes through our doors.

The knowledge coming from our tradition is well blended in our work with the most recent evolutions and other cultural influences in the gastronomical field. We are tradition lovers, but always chasing for refreshing our sight on it.

We take food and cooking very seriously. But, this doesn’t mean that our courses are bookish. On the contrary, they are fun, challenging and hands on. Offering participants of all levels not only to learn recipes but to really soak up Tuscany’s food culture. Eat and drink to delight your senses but just a little of EVERYTHING will keep you healthy wealthy and wise!



Chef Benedetta Vitali has lived and worked all her life in Florence, Italy. In 1979, she co-founded the popular restaurant Cibrèo, offering her fellow Florentines a connection to a traditional Tuscan cooking style that had been all but forgotten in the postwar trend of convenience foods.

In 1999, Benedetta opened the trattoria Zibibbo, emphasizing fresh produce from nearby small farms and introducing her original interpretations of classic recipes.

She has traveled around the world, cooked in a variety of cuisines and is now leaving her legacy here with us at the Food Studio to share with you.

She is the author of “Soffritto: Tradition & Innovation in Tuscan Cooking” and of “La Cucina degli Affetti | Catering and Caring: 124 Recipes for Cooking with Love.”


Giorgio Pinto’s educational path runs along two parallel rails. On one side is his studies: a Master of Philosophy and post-degree specialization in Innovation Economy gave him a theoretically-oriented and interdisciplinary approach to his work. On the other hand lies his boots-on-the-ground training in the hard world of restaurants, from peeling potatoes as an apprentice to running a kitchen as head chef and managing his own restaurant for a few years.

The collaboration with Benedetta on the Food Studio project was a way to put those two souls together: cooking, studying and teaching at the same time.

His background is in the traditional Italian and Tuscan cuisine but he likes to be “contaminated” from different gastronomical cultures in order to keep himself updated on the contemporary evolutions in cooking styles and techniques. He has a particular interest in a sustainable approach to the food industry.


After successfully spending the first part of her career in the world of fashion, Meri decided to switch things up and dedicate herself to her greatest passion: cooking. She attended a professional school for chefs, gained experienced in several Florentine restaurants and worked for companies specializing in catering and private event organization.

Her idea of ​​good food is strictly related to one of healthy food. To combine the two things into one is the first goal of Meri’s kitchen. She developed this concept also by taking part in the “Food Laboratory” project, managed by Ispro, Assocuore and Legacoop together with Benedetta. The aim of the project was to raise awareness of the important relationship between a balanced diet and health through highlighting recipes that combine taste and healthiness.

Despite her background in Italian cuisine, the chef’s heart of Meri beats for Middle Eastern gastronomical tradition. She studied the cuisine through years of traveling and reading and she likes to incorporate its elements within her dishes. Meri is also specialized in vegetarian cuisine, having been vegetarian herself for many years.


As we say, Florence is “on a human scale:” meaning both friendly and compact. Just to give you an idea of ​​distances to and from The Food Studio.

  • Train Station Santa Maria Novella. 15 minute walk

  • Cathedral & Republic Square. 10 minute walk

  • Holy Cross. 20 minute walk

  • Old Bridge. 7 minute walk

  • Pitti square. 5 minute walk

  • Holy spirit. 3 minute walk

If you prefer a vehicle transfer please let us know and we can set up a car service for you.

Feel free to call us anytime should you need help with directions.

Any questions?

Where we are


Via dell’Ardiglione, 39r 50125 Firenze

Phone: +39 345 4769268
